Monday, March 5, 2018

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 16

Happy Tuesday! I hope you enjoyed Pulaski Day - the last three-day weekend until the end of May!

We'll get right into groups today for two activities:
  1. The conversation between Darnay and the Marquis. You will re-enact this dialogue with one person from your group portraying each of these characters. The other 1-2 members of your group will help the rest of us to understand what they are talking about. Here's a little bit of what that might look like: 
  3. Time to start solving the crime - the murder of the Marquis! 
    1. Here's the sheet to guide your work
    2. As usual, make a copy of it and paste it into your ongoing group Google Doc.
With any remaining time today you will be able to start reading chapters 10 & 11 for tonight. Here are links to the audio:

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