Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 20

Happy Tuesday! Today you will work with your groups as we look at chapter 15.

First, share your notes and annotations about chapter 15 with each other. What questions do you have? Did you follow the different parts of it? Make sure you have clear conclusions about these characters:

  • Mender of roads
  • Monsieur Defarge
  • Madame Defarge
Next, we'll look at some different on-line summaries of the book. Maybe you have been reading these, maybe not. Today we'll put them to the test - when are they helpful? When are they not helpful?
  1. Shmoop
  2. GradeSaver
  3. Cliffs Notes
  4. Spark Notes
Here is the sheet you will use to keep track of the information you find, followed by a group quote-finding quiz.

For tonight you are reading and annotating chapter 16 - here are the audio links (remember, if you want to listen to Mr. Hirsch's recording, you can find it under the Tale of Two Cities tab at the top of the home page of the blog).

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