Monday, December 4, 2017

Othello - Day 6

Today you'll continue to work with the same partner from yesterday. We'll continue to focus on Iago and follow these steps:

  1. Complete your re-write of Iago's soliloquy from the end of Act I, scene 3
  2. Read his soliloquy at the end of Act II, scene 1 (lines 308-334). Discuss it with your partner and name 5 key points Iago makes here.
  3. Read his soliloquies at the end of Act II, scene 3 (lines 356-382 and 404-410). Discuss it with your partner to make sure you follow Iago's plans.
  4. Choose one word from each line of II.3.356-382 - the word you consider to be the key word in each line. This will give you 27 words.
  5. Using these 27 words + any other words you choose, write a short speech that tells us everything about Iago up to this point in the play. You can use names of other characters if you want. This can be as long as you want, as long as you use the 27 words.
    1. I recommend typing these words into their own documents so you can see them in one place.
    2. Please type out your speech and underline the words you use.
  6. We'll hear these out loud, read by one or both of you.
Depending on how long this takes, we'll look at the language Iago uses to describe Othello or start the reading for tonight.
HW: Act III, scenes 1-3 + journal

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