Sunday, September 17, 2017

An Iliad - Getting to know Hector and Achilles

Last week we discussed war and its opposite by making a series of tableaux - a freeze-frame based on a quotation you selected with your group.  Here is a link to the statements you used:

Today we'll get to know two key characters a little better, starting with Hector.  

This first part will be individual work. Of course you can use your book, your annotations, and whatever worksheets you've created with groups to help you.

Make a copy of this document, read the directions, and submit your completed work to  Yes, this is graded work.
Next, you'll more back into the groups you worked with on Thursday / Friday of last week when you made your tableaux.  You'll work together to explore the issue and your assigned position, based on what you see in this handout.

Homework: Read and annotate p. 74 - 82 

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