Sunday, January 28, 2018

Poetry Out Loud - Day 5

Happy Monday!

After our quiz to start the day, you'll have the opportunity to share your poem a few times with a small group and then practice presenting it.

While we won't have a practice competition until tomorrow, you should know what the rubrics looks like:

Keep practicing - competition time is almost here!

Also, please remember to buy A Tale of Two Cities - you'll need it for next Monday!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Poetry Out Loud - Day 4

Now that you have your poem and have started to work with it, it's time to get to know it well.

Here's the plan for today:

  1. Choose a partner - stand together somewhere in the room (stand, not sit!). Read / recite your poem to that person 2-3 times. Don't forget to switch and listen to the other person's poem!
  2. Make a copy of this document to use today. Hopefully the directions there are self-explanatory. Take your time - this should take you 30 minutes or more.
  3. When you are finished, upload your work to
  4. Lastly, find a different partner to work with and read / recite your poem to that person 2-3 times. Switch!
Your homework is to practice reciting your poem multiple times throughout the weekend. Recite it to your friends, your family, your dog, your snapchat story - whatever works! On Monday morning we will start with a quiz - you will write out your poem! Good luck with it!

Poetry Out Loud - Day 3

To help inspire our work today, here are a few more examples of people reciting poems:

Here are our tasks for today:

  1. Copy your poem into your notebook - yes, by hand - make sure you are able to read it. Write it a little bigger and a little clearer than you usually write.
  2. Read your poem aloud
  3. Examine your poem
    1. Put a box around words you need to define
    2. Mark natural breaks - word, line, sentence
      1. See Nate Marshall's "god made the hundreds, man made it wild" for an example of the role of breaks
    3. Highlight words / phrases - center of gravity for each break
    4. Notebook reflection:
      1. What did the work we did today with this poem – thinking about it, writing it out by hand, speaking and hearing it, looking at the language – help you see and understand about this poem?
      2. How do you understand it better or differently
      3. What do you see or feel in this poem that you had not before you came to class today?

Monday, January 22, 2018

Poetry Out Loud - Day 2 - Choosing a Poem

Greetings! I hope you enjoyed the videos yesterday and have a little sense of what this project looks like. Here are a few examples (we'll watch a few each day) of some other students (from around the country) to check out and (hopefully) inspire you.

After we watch and discuss them, here is the plan for the day:

  1. Go to the website to start the process of choosing a poem
  2. In a new Google doc, copy and paste three poems (including title and author)
  3. For each one, write 3-4 sentences about why you chose it
  4. Bring a printed copy to class tomorrow.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Start of Second Semester! Poetry Out Loud

Welcome back!!
Congratulations on finishing your finals and completing your first semester of high school!
We will have opportunities to talk about your final essay and your semester grade later this week.

Today, we will start a project we'll spend time with for the next two weeks:
Here are the calendars:

And some videos for today to introduce the project (see if you can spot the DHS alumnus). After you watch the videos you will start the process of selecting your poem using this link.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

STAR test and more work on Othello essay

We are going to take the STAR reading test today. Please do your best on this reading comprehension test. Again, this is so we can understand how you read and learn. Do your best.
  • Click here to go to the link for the test.
  • For your username, use the same name you are logging into the Chromebooks and computers with.
  • Your password is your student ID number - but ONLY the number - i.e. 121XXXX - if you are unable to gain access after TWO tries, please ask for help before trying a third time.
  • You will be presented with two choices - select STAR Reading
  • Sometimes, the system will request a “Monitor Password.” If this happens to you, the password is “admin”
  • If you are presented with a list of teachers, please select “Rigler”
  • Take the test! Do the best you can!
Today we'll talk about using quotations in your essay. Here is a link to the handout we've used this semester.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Othello - Thesis and Topic Sentences

Happy Tuesday!

Here is an organizer for your essay - feel free to make a copy of it for our work today.

Today in class we built a sample thesis / topic sentence outline around the topic of "reputation."

  • We brainstormed for 10 minutes
  • We built topic sentences that were based around ideas, not characters
  • We linked these together into an arguable thesis
You've got this!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Othello - Final Essay - Crafting a Thesis part I

Happy Monday! Happy last week of first semester!

Last week when I first shared the final exam with you I asked you to create a document called "initial brainstorming." Please open it now.

  1. In that document, I asked you to choose one of the three topics and to write your initial thoughts about it. As a reminder, the three possible topics are:
    1. Persuasion and Manipulation
    2. Power
    3. Being and Seeing or Appearance and Reality
  2. Re-read what you wrote there. If you like it and want to stay with that topic, great. If not, choose one of the other two.
  3. Spend the next ten minutes looking through your journal entries about Othello. Find 2 or more quotations related to this topic - quotations you think you might even use in your essay. Type these quotations into your document.
  4. While you are thinking about your journal responses, please go ahead and complete this short survey about the work in your journal. I will be collecting them at the end of the period and I want to know your sense of the work you did there.
  5. Here is a link to the thesis development worksheet we used earlier in the semester. We'll use it again today to guide our work.
*Note - I will not be collecting any of the preparatory work we do this week. This is your final exam and it is up to you to use my feedback and the work we've done together all year to make sure you are submitting your best possible essay.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome Back!! Othello - Day 13

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful winter break!

To help get ourselves back into the world of school and Freshman English and Othello, we'll hear the songs you created on the last day before the break - remember them?

  • 1st period
  • 3rd period

Then we'll review the calendar for the next two weeks: